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15 Wedding Announcements From Couples With Deeply Unfortunate Names

Story by, Robin Edds

27 December 2019

Too good to be true? Let's find out.

1. Mr. & Mrs. Traylor-Hooker.
Turns out this one is absolutely real, though it's much less funny if you swap the names around.

2. Mr. & Mrs. Best-Lay.
hough definitive proof of this one is hard to come by, they are both (according to Facebook) very common names. They're really not doing themselves any favours with the photo if it is, though.

3. Mr. & Mrs. Wang-Holder.
Yep. Seems legit. Though obviously they seem to have decided against the double-barrelled option.

4. Mr. & Mrs. Beaver-Wetter.
Amazing. Though the jury's still out on this one. Both are common(ish) surnames, so why couldn't a Beaver and a Wetter find love?

5. Mr. & Mrs. Gowen-Getter.
This Google search result seems to suggest this one is real. So he DID Gowen Getter.

6. Mr. & Mrs. Looney-Warde.
Too good to be true? Yes and no. They really got married, but the bride's Facebook page shows that they decided to switch things around. Understandable.

7. Mr. & Mrs. Busch-Rash.
Google let us down on this one, but there are a number of Busches and Rashes.

8. Mr. & Mrs. Long-Wiwi.
We found her! Though she has sadly dropped her maiden name :(

9. Mr. & Mrs. Kuntz-Dick.
We found a Lise Renee Kuntz, but it seems like she's now married to someone else. Poor Mr. Dick.

10. Mr. & Mrs. Fillerup-Standing.
This one HAS to be fake. Right? Wrong!

11. Mr. & Mrs. MacDonald-Berger.
Two very very common names, so we're definitely ready to believe this one. Though now we're really hungry.

12. Mr. & Mrs. Filler-Quick.
Not only is this one real, but it would seem they actually double-barrelled it. Splendid.

13. Mr. & Mrs. Hardy-Harr.
You couldn't make it up. And you don't have to, according to this news site.

14. Mr. & Mrs. Butts-McCracken.
There are plenty of Crystal Butts (yeah), and we've found one lucky Levi McCracken. We're saying true.

15. Mr. & Mrs. Partee-Moore.
Turns out this pair Partee(d) pretty hard at their wedding which DID happen.

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